

Addressing Challenges and Empowering Women Living with HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of the Centre d’Action Sida Montréal

  • Authors:
  • Keesha Horvat,
  • Annika Singh


Mental health

Women’s Health

HIV prevention


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Loutfy, M., Greene, S., Kennedy, V. L., Lewis, J., Thomas-Pavanel, J., Conway, T., ... & Kaida, A. (2016). Establishing the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS): operationalizing community-based research in a large national quantitative study. BMC medical research methodology, 16, 1-9.


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Clarke, J.N. 2006. Homophobia out of the closet in the media portrayal of HIV/AIDS 1991, 1996 and 2001: Celebrity, heterosexism and the silent victims. Critical Public Health, 16: 317–330. doi:10.1080/09581590601091620 


Chesney, M.A. and Smith, A.W. 1999. Critical delays in HIV testing and care: The potential role of stigma. The American Behavioral Scientist, 42: 1162–1174. doi:10.1177/00027649921954822 


Mensah, M.N., Waugh, T., Lavoie, R., Dumas, J., Bernier, M., Garneau, M.J. and Otis, J. 2008. “The VIHsibilite Project”: HIV-positive people in the Quebec press and community responses. AIDS Care, 20: 596–600. doi:10.1080/09540120701867164


Sandelowski M, Lambe C, Barroso J. Stigma in HIV positive women. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2004;36(2):122–8.

Cite This Community Knowledge Publication

Horvat, K., Singh, A. (2023). Addressing Challenges and Empowering Women Living with HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of the Centre d’Action Sida Montréal. ScienceReach. Retrieved from https://sciencereach.ca/community-publications/1PRfziLFbWXGJLVD8a7FIf

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